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COMPANY DATA Company name: Genius Loci S.n.c. Registered office: Via Grimani, 11/A, Battaglia Terme, Padua, Italy Operating Office: Via Grimani, 11/A, Battaglia Terme, Padua, Italy Tax ID number: 03877160279 VAT number: 04079930279 COMPANY DISCLOSURE AND CONSENT Genius Loci S.n.c. Data Protection Policy of the website  ( Cookie Policy of the website ( WARNINGS REGARDING COPYRIGHT AND REGISTERED TRADEMARKS The entire content of this website is protected by the copyright (copyright ©) 2022 of Genius Loci S.n.c.or its suppliers. All rights are reserved for the copyright owners, pursuant to the law. Pursuant to art. 1, para. 1 of Law Decree no. 72 of 22 March 2004, as amended by converting Law no. 128 of 21 May 2004, the works present in this website are compliant with the obligations deriving from the regulations governing copyright and rights connected thereto. The reproduction, communication to the public, making available to the public, hire, loan, public performance and transmission is forbidden without the authorisation of the copyright owner. For breaches of copyright, the sanctions provided for in art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of Law no. 633/1941 shall apply. Pursuant to art. 5 of Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 on the protection of copyright, the texts of official deeds of the State and of public administrations, in both Italy and abroad, are not covered by copyright. Ai sensi dell’art. 5 della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 sulla protezione del diritto d’autore, i testi degli atti ufficiali dello Stato e delle amministrazioni pubbliche, sia italiane che straniere, non sono coperti da diritti d’autore. The copyright indicated refers to the drafting and presentation of the texts. Breaches of copyright must be reported in writing and sent to the representative appointed for the purpose of Genius Loci S.n.c. at the following postal address, fax number and e-mail address:

Business name: Genius Loci S.n.c.

Registered office: Via Grimani, 11/A, Battaglia Terme, Padova, Italia Operating Office: Via Grimani, 11/A, Battaglia Terme, Padova, Italia Phone: +39 338 4440500 | +39 339 2566719 – Fax: eM.